ChochyPlays (real name Leon), more commonly known as just Chochy (pronounced "Choccy") is a Twitch streamer and upcoming YouTuber with a pretty decent following. This is the first paragraph of Chochy's Twitch Info page: "Hey! I'm a wierd, queer, Brit (they/them btw!) trying to make a chill spot on the internet for people to come hang out!"
That is basically Chochy in a nutshell, and I made this web page as a joke to advertise their brand new merch store completely free of charge!!!1!1!
This is some really cool, high quality, well-priced merch: (and, if you're subscribed to Chochy on Twitch, you get 10% off!)
I personally bought the Toasty Beanie (Toast is Chochy's mascot; see attached image). It's probably the nicest feeling beanie I have ever worn. I just wish it came in more colors than just black. (Edit: Now it does, see Update 1.)
I'm also planning on buying either the Bars Hoodie or the Toast Signiature Hoodie. Both look really comfy.
When the beanie I mentioned in the "Merch" section arrived, my mom had low expectiations, but after I showed her the beanie, she said that it's one of the highest quality beanies she's seen, which I 100% agree with, ORDER IT RIGHT NOW!!1!
I haven't had the chance to wear it outside yet, but when spring comes and it's still kind-of cold, my mom will definetly be asking me to wear it, even though I'll be warm without it, MOM.
Q: Why did You waste 7.50$ on this domain?
A: That's like asking a toddler why it ate a LEGO brick; Of course I did. That's just how I function... Also it's not a waste if I get a good laugh or two from it, so this is actually money well spent.
Q: Why are you doing all of this for just some random streamer?
A: I'm not, I'm doing this because when I have no ideas, I just fall back on some youtuber and streamer-related things because I literally have no idea how to finish a project worth talking about.
Oops forgot to edit this website, anyways, after I complained about the Toasty Beanie only being available in black, Chochy has added some new colors! But it might be a little bit too late, because I'm not buying a second beanie just to have it in another color.
Also, there are some new designs in the store! The Leftidexterous Mug (Shown on attached image), for example. The new designs are all really fun and awesome and I would spend all of my money on them... IF I HAD ANY!!!
Made with (not that much) love and care by ChoccDogg.
Btw thx for visiting Chochy!!1!